Special Requests (House League Divisions)
Due to unmanageable number of requests, the Caledon Minor Baseball Association has instituted a policy regarding player special requests.
Pairing requests players/coaches Caledon Minor Baseball Association policy:
• Only Coaches and Assistant Coaches will be guaranteed to have their son or daughter assigned to their team. Maximum one head coach and two assistant coaches per team.
• Chained “pairings” are automatically rejected. Example: Jim to John, John to Sam. etc.
• All “pairing” requests must be reciprocated and agreed to by each parent involved. Example: Jim's parents must ask for Sam and Sam's parents must ask for Jim.
• No “pairing” request will be considered for late registrations (after March 1st.) due to organizational time constraints.
• “Pairing” requests for players failing to attend a mandatory pre-season evaluation clinic will not be considered.
• Caledon Minor Baseball Association reserves the right to award or deny Pairing requests.
• Siblings who live in the same household and wish to play on the same team (if division ages permit) are the ONLY special
What is an evaluation clinic?
A mandatory pre-season assessment and evaluation clinic is generally scheduled in the early May prior to teams being drafted for the purpose of disbursing players equally on teams in each division. This is to ensure all teams will have players with equal pitching, catching and playing abilities such that a competitively balanced division can be achieved. All registered players will be notified by email and on a website posting of the evaluation date when it is scheduled.
Can I request a player to be paired with another player or specific coach?
Caledon Minor Baseball Association encourages parents to welcome the opportunity for their children to make new friends. Organized team sports are an ideal way to ease our children out of comfort zones and teach them valuable life skills that extend beyond the specific sport they are interested in playing.
While the Caledon Minor Baseball Association understands that family circumstances and schedules are challenging and unique, fulfilling “pairing” requests is a complex and difficult undertaking and is discouraged for all but the most exceptional circumstances. Competitive team balance is a priority for the house league such that each player will enjoy equal opportunity for athletic development and success on the playing field. To ensure this balance each team must be assigned equal numbers of players at all levels of experience and skill to ensure fairness in each division. Pairing requests are subject to the following general policy:
Team Selection
Convenors, Executive Members and Rep coaches will run the evaluation process, and evaluate the players (Bantam-Midget). The Convenor(s) and Executive will determine the placement of players on teams, in an attempt to disperse skill levels evenly.
Note this policy has been instituted for our house league division only. Special request are permitted for the Challenger division.
Caledon Minor Baseball Assocation
Jays Care Foundation
Bolton Kin