The club can only accommodate a certain number of players in each division, and once a registration is confirmed it reduces the number of remaining spots available. There is also a requirement to approve diamond allocations, uniforms and equipment purchases early in the year. In addition, the club must incur certain costs to register and to refund any player. To defer those costs, a sliding administration charge is levied as follows:
* Cancellations before April 1st , (Calendar Year) (Admin Fee = $25.00)
* Cancellations before May 1st , (Calendar Year) (Admin Fee = $50.00)
* Cancellations before June 1st, (Calendar Year) (Admin Fee = $75.00)
* No refunds after June 1st, (Calendar Year)
* NSF Cheques returned are subject to a $30 processing fee. Re-payment will only be accepted in cash to the Registrar directly.
* Rep/Select Player Registration fee (Installment # 1) non-refundable.
Caledon Minor Baseball Assocation
Jays Care Foundation
Bolton Kin