This list has been created in order to provide you with a helpful reminder of the things that you should, or may, do in order to make your job easier and the season more enjoyable for you and your team.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact someone on the executive committee.
File an updated team list with phone numbers and.or email addresses
Make certain that all of your equipment is in the bag, along with a First Aid kit and that you have the Bin Combinations.
Ensure that you have your final league schedule and distribute this schedule to all players and parents.
Make certain that your players and parents are familiar with your expectations regarding arrival times for games etc.
Discuss the importance of notifing yourself regarding holidays/absences so as not to leave your team short of players
Familiarize yourself with this web site.
Attend the outdoor coaches clinic in the spring
Take some time to read the baseball rule book and know your guidelines
If possible, conduct a pratice as often as time and interest permits.
Submit your game report sheets to the Publicity director on a regular basis so that your team results appear in the local papers.
Also, please submit your game scores to the appropriate BBBA convenor so that the league standings may be updated.
Remind any players who miss Photo Day that there will be one more date set aside for these photos to be taken. An executive member will be distributing details. If you have any players who owe money for the trader cards kindly collect it and submit.
Make certain you know when your playoffs begin. Co aches will be sent a copy of the playoffs by the league. Please check this copy
Collect all equipment that was issued to you and return to the Equipment Manager on closing Day.
Return your equipment key (if applicable) to the same person.
Make every effort to attend Closing Day yourself and offer your assistance on behalf of your team. This would include handing out the awards to your players.
Submit your completed evaluation forms to the executive.
Finally, congratulate yourself on a job well done. You have made a very real contribution to the lives of the young people on your team.
Thank you.
Caledon Minor Baseball Assocation
Jays Care Foundation
Bolton Kin